Steps to Build MVP Without Breaking the Bank (Part 1)

In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps to build an MVP without breaking the bank, ensuring you can validate your business idea and make informed decisions before committing to full-scale development.

Starting a startup is exciting and rewarding, but you must be aware that certain difficulties can arise.

Turning a business idea into a successful product requires a lot of work and validation. That’s where the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) comes into play.


Creating an MVP (within acceptable budget limits) is crucial for validating a business idea and gaining insights and different perspectives before fully committing to its development. The MVP development process is essential for founders to test product value without spending a lot of time and money.

An MVP is essentially a “light” version of your product that focuses only on the core functionality of your target audience. It’s a prototype that helps you test the waters, understand your audience, and, most importantly, gather user feedback before fully developing the product. Think of it as a way to validate your concept without spending a large amount of money.

In the upcoming points, I will guide you through the process of creating an MVP within a defined budget and explore how to define a value proposition and create effective marketing strategies.

This guide dives into creating an irresistible MVP within your budget. We will cover everything from defining the value proposition to leveraging free resources and effective marketing strategies.

Let's start by defining the core value proposition


A strong core value proposition is fundamental to the success of any product. Here are some points you can use to support your data:

  • Quantify the problem and market: Define the problem that your product solves. Research the industry, its reports, market studies, and relevant statistics that match the problem your product addresses. Conducting thorough market research can help in understanding the target audience's needs, validating the product's market fit, and aligning features with the actual needs of the target audience.

  • Unique value proposition: Here, we explain how your product currently solves the problem differently from your competitors. For example, if your product helps users complete tasks easily, saving them 20% in time and money, showcase that data. Also, be sure to collect feedback from your beta testers; this is very powerful for demonstrating your unique value proposition.

Ideal Customer: Understanding and identifying the target audience is key


It’s crucial to understand your potential customers before even creating your MVP. These points can help you define them:

  • Target audience: Identify the audience where your ideal customer is found. Understand your target market by analyzing geographical attributes and researching competitors' target audiences. This can be based on age, income level, location, and job role. Use this information along with your marketing tools and social media to refine your audience.

  • Needs and problems: Research and understand the needs and problems your audience experiences. You can collect this data through surveys, focus groups, or competitor analysis. This will lead you to understand their problems and prioritize your functionalities based on this before working on your MVP.

Defining Priorities: Only Core Functionalities


With a clear vision of your value proposition and your audience, it’s now time to define the core features of your MVP. This is where good prioritization is crucial.

  • Essential functionalities: Create a list of functionalities and prioritize them, focusing on the problem your product solves and adding value to your audience. Think of the minimum list of functionalities needed to demonstrate your product’s value.

  • Postpone non-essential functionalities: Identify functionalities to add in later iterations, all based on feedback from your customers. This “nice to have” category can include features that enhance the user experience but are not essential for the product’s core operation. Remember, not all the features need to be included in the initial release; focus on delivering the core value first.

Last thoughts and stay tuned!

Starting a startup is exciting and rewarding, but it comes with challenges. Transforming a product idea into a successful product requires hard work and validation, which is where the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) comes into play. We saw that an MVP is a "light" version of your product focusing on core functionalities for your target audience, allowing you to test the waters and gather user feedback without significant financial investment.

Prioritizing essential functionalities for your MVP ensures you focus on solving the core problem and adding value to your audience, while non-essential features can be added in later pivots or iterations based on customer feedback.

Stay tuned for the next edition, where we will dive deeper into building an MVP without breaking the bank. We'll explore more detailed strategies for efficient resource utilization, leveraging free tools, and implementing cost-effective marketing strategies. Don't miss it!

About the author

Lucas Ocon

Lucas is the Chief Executive Officer of Develative. He's in charge of the strategic direction and handling the growth at the company; also he serves as the performance coach of the on-site team, making sure the team has a career path tailored to each team member's expectations and goals. He enjoys spending time with his dogs and music venues.

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